Всеки втори шанс |
EvErY sEcOnd ChAnCe bEgInS witH a firSt step...
Love me, hate me, say what you want about me...
F**k is good, f**k is funny, a lot of people f**k for money. If you think the f**k is funny, f**k yourself and save your money.
YoU'LL ThInK LoVe Is To PrAy,BuT I'm SoRRy I DoN't PrAy ThAt WaY !
I wrote your name
EveRy TimE I LoOk aT YoU...My HearT Is JumPinG...TeLL Me wHaT Can I Do?
Stay With Me..Don't Let Me Go..Cause I Can't Be Without You..Just Stay With Me,And Hold Me Close,Because I've Built My World Around You... |